Sunday, November 12, 2006

Japan Part Dos

Today Marcus and I went to see Korakuen, a large garden, and Okayama Castle. The garden was very beautiful but my favorite part was seeing all the little girls in pink kimonos. The castle was fun but there wasn’t really all that much to see and all the explanations were in Japanese only so we didn’t learn much from it. I’m glad we went, though, and the weather was beautiful all day.

This evening we went out for a walk again before dinner and had a long conversation with a very dedicated Yahoo employee who wanted to sell us internet connections. I had a really good time trying to communicate with him (mostly unsuccessfully) and it was nice to see that I actually do remember a fair amount from the last time I was here. I can understand a lot, at least, which I guess is the first step. It helped that he was determined to make us understand the offer and his colleague even tried calling their office to see if an English-speaking employee was in but it was his day off, so no luck.

Thanks for reading! I’m about to get a lot busier because we actually have full-time training for the rest of the week, but Saturday I’ll head to Fukuyama and hopefully settle in to my life there as quickly as possible.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, cateintheorient! I'm enjoying your blog and look forward to learning more about your life in Japan.