Monday, November 27, 2006

My Apartment

I moved into my apartment Saturday night, and it:s a relief to finally be there, but it means I no longer have internet access. I am planning to get wireless, but I can:t even start that process until I get my Alien Registration Card in two and a half weeks. Anyway, let me take you on a tour. So, you walk in the door and take off your shoes and on your right is a closet with a nice little library of books left from the last few teachers (including a few good Japanese language books and quite a few others I:d like to read) and then you go into my little hallway and my washing machine is now on your right (it:s a good size and I did laundry today and it seems to work okay) and the shower and main sink are on your left. Walk a little farther and now my "kitchen" is on your right and the toilet room is on your left. Now let:s turn our heads to the right to take a closer look at the kitchen. There;s a mini-fridge at the floor and then above that is a small sink and one burner. Then a cabinet. And... that:s all! There are a few old-looking appliances in the cupboards around the kitchen, but I:m not sure about any of them. I think I may buy a 3000 yen toaster oven that I saw today because I really can:t do much with just a single burner and nothing else. We:ll see, though. I splurged today and bought a 2000 yen laundry rack because the one I had was completely unacceptable, so I need to be careful how much money I put into this apartment (because a toaster oven certainly would not be coming back to america with me, so it would have to be worth it for however long i:m here). Ok, please continue on down the hall to my main room. This room is probably 9 feet wide (if not a little smaller) by about 12 or 13 feet, I would say. Once I have internet access with my computer again I:ll upload some pictures, but it:s basically just a small room with a chest of drawers, a low kidney-shaped table, a regular table with a folding chair and.... that:s it! Oh, actually there:s a t.v. and dvd player, too, and the teacher before me left a small dvd library of things he bought here, so that:s nice. Last night I watched Napoleon Dynamite (or Bus Boy as they translated it) while I cleaned and unpacked.

Ok, I:m almost out of time (and it:s 100 yen every 20 minutes), so I suppose our tour has to end. But please note as you leave that my nice view (I:m on the fifth floor) includes two cemeteries right below me.

Also, please note the blank, depressing walls. If you send me a decoration for my walls I will be ever so grateful! Thanks for visiting!


1 comment:

AstroNerdBoy said...

I gather there were pictures here at some point. Did you remove them or did they just go missing (I had a blog entry on my "regular" blog where all the pictures just disappeared one day and I ended up having to re-upload them all).