Thursday, February 08, 2007

Valentine's Day

Hi Everyone! Once again, sorry I don't update much and thanks for checking, anyway. I got the official notice in the mail that I will have internet installed in my apartment in one week, so then I plan to update more and add lots of pictures.

Valentine's Day is a little different in Japan, as you may know. Women give chocolates to men and men don't have to give women anything (though I made it clear to my boyfriend that as he's dating an American he's still expected to give me something). There are two kinds of chocolate gifts, obligation chocolates that you give to your boss and co-workers and chocolates for that special someone. Many women (most?) make their own chocolate treats, so there are all kinds of cute little kits for making and presenting truffles or brownies or some such thing. There are also lots of adorable little boxes of chocolate and other sweets for sale in the department stores, in the grocery stores, and even in the 100-yen (one dollar) stores. I've heard that the holiday is mainly between women and men, though a student told me today that when she was a child all the girls gave chocolates to their friends, and today she gave me a beautiful box of Godiva chocolates, so I guess that's not entirely true. Also, despite most things being much more expensive here than at home, you can get really beautifully-packaged, high quality chocolates for a very good price.

Next month is White Day, when men have to give gifts back to the women who gave them chocolates. I think these presents are usually more expensive, like jewelry, so that's a good deal, I guess.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, they have Valentine's Day in Feb. and then White Day in March (just like Korea) then do they have a "Black Day" in April? In Korea, April 14 is Black Day, the day when all singles go and eat a special noodle dish in the hopes that they won't be single forever. Depressing? You crazy Japanese have that too or are the Koreans the only ones crazy enough for that holiday?

p.s. i miss you!